Princessa's Royal Menagerie

My mess of irrational thoughts

Thursday, June 30, 2005

My foot hurts

Vacation Bible School is over and it was so much fun, but I am feeling sorta tired this week. I have been catching up on housework. First my knee hurt so bad and so I took some ibuprofen and then it was ok and now my foot hurts so bad tonight. uggg...
anyway, I hope to get caught up this week. It rained all day but tomorrow I am going to work in my garden. The children are actually being very good.
My husband is so nice and so cute.
He just makes me feel like a Princess.
My life is pretty boring I dont have anything exciting to write about.
so good-nite world Ill see you mr. sunshine tomorrow

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Girl

The girl is driving me crazy, she had a friend spending the night and she is going to give her friend a complex about storms. Every 5 minutes she keeps asking about it. And Im like yea its going to rain but nothing severe. I wonder where she gets this unrational fear of such things hmmmm...????
I got to get into the garden today. I moved a lot of plants around and it is looking a lot better.
I went to Home Depot and got some mulch, now I remember why I had kept putting it off.
Im taking the kids to the Home Depot in the morning, they have a little workshop thing that they get to build something.
The Boys went to see the Star Wars movie tonight I think they had some fun. Ave said it had a few boring parts in it, but then again he is 6.
I worked a little on the downstairs, my tv cabinet looks TERRIBLE the paint did not stick. And I did not paint the inside because I thought the tv would hide it but you can still see parts. RATS. Oh well, Ill just leave it as is and maybe someday the Hubby will have pitty on me and build me some sort of Fabulouse unit.
My Husband is so wonderful he treats me like a Princess.
I want to go somewhere for a vacation, it doesnt matter where just to get away. With or without kids I dont care.
My friend Tidy-Bowl is very smart you should see what she wrote in her blog about terrorism.
I guess all that college is really paying off. No really I think she was smart before college.
Actually miss tidybowl you are the only one who may even read this LOL
Well back to work on the family room.


I just love thunderstorms. We had a good one last night, but no tornados. I personally dont want my house blown away, but there is something so exciting about the sirens going off and having to take cover in the basement. I dont want anyone elses house blown away either, but I would like to see one someday. I like it when the power goes out and the kids get all freaked out. ( me too I like being freaked out too) Im not sure why, the really big thunderstorms are cool too with all the lightning and wind. I like it when on all the channel the weather people are breaking in with the picture of the radar on the screen. I even go to the computer and check out the radar. I found a really good site that gives several options of maps and nexrad radar and stuff . I have lived here in the midwest all my life and have never seen a tornado, they have passed close and sirens have gone off but thats about it.
One of my lawnchairs were in the pool this morning and some small limbs were down but thats about all we got last night.
Im not in a flood prone area either, I really dont want to witness a flood.
I think Im going to try to get up early and garden tomorrow, I think I said that yesterday and the day before that.
I stay up too late and then Im lazy in the morning, but I have been working on redecorating some stuff in the family room. Im making an entertainment area. Im painting the tv cabinet and some bookcases my Grandaddy made all white and Im going to put them all together. I think it will look super-cool
Real soon Id like to finally fix up my doll-room.
We have been in this house for a year now and Ive done hardly anything with it.
I did get part of the carpet ripped up in the living room and so that is just another project that will take a while. Im sporadic in my energy spent on such things.
I love summer and sunshine also.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


My sister is a Bridezilla. I really dont understand spending 5000 dollars on a wedding when you dont have enough money to even afford a real house. Oh well, I hope her all of the happiness in the world really I do.
I went to the Burg today to see my Mom and I got to hold the twins, they are very sweet and cute, but Im sure glad that its not me!
The kids will not stop fighting, Im ready to start taking away Birthdays. I took away tv and video game, and that did not help. HEHEHE I just thought of something, handcuffing them together, then they would have to get along. One time my husband tied the dog and cat together by thier tails hes very odd sometimes.
You know what I think is funny, scaring people. I cant help it. Its just funny, like today, my Mom is afraid of snakes, she is even afraid on worms. My lil bro and son caught a baby snake HAHA heeheehee hooo, I did not know she could move that fast BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I think it is also funny to jump out and suprize people, Now I do get a little annoyed when it happens to me, but afterwards I have to admit it was funny.
I think I must get somebody soon. Im not sure who, but it is always the funniest when the person all gets real mad, you just have to laugh.
My arm hurts tonight so we must be having a weather change soon.
I worked on VBS stuff today, that will be fun. Im looking forward to it this year.
Last year I got lost that was when Granny started her demise, and I did not do all I wanted to.
Hopefully It will be much better this year.
I need to go on a diet, but my suntan helps me look much better.
I really like my pool, Im so spoiled and I thank my Husband very much for all of the nice things he provides us with. We are doing this seminar at church on love and respect and one of the lessons is to tell him how much we respect him. But he was there and I dont want it to seem fake, but I REALLY do respect all the things he does for me and I respect him as a person and a husband and father. I just need to find a way to tell him without it sounding not real,
ok Im real tired tonight
Im outie

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hmm so now what

Ok so I know that no one will ever read this and if they do, I am sure that it may bore them to tears, but it just looked to cool to pass up.
I had a friend call me today and invite herself over. Ugg I hate that. Plus she like stays forever and ever. I know that my little boy likes to play with her son, and I know that it is selfish of me to not want to deal with other children, but I like things just so so and I hate having my routine disrupted. I dont want to cater to anybody.
It was funny, I went in to get a drink of water and I thought it would be nice to take out some drinks. Then I thought about it again and thought "sure give em something and they will never leave or want to come back tomorrow"
I think I am going to work in my garden tomorrow even though its supposed to be 90 degrees.
Ill just toss the kids in the pool, it keeps them entertained. Note to self, I really need to apply more sunscreen on the children. They already look like they have been to Hawaii.
I love Hawaii
I like to choose my friends, and I really dont like too many people I tend to attract needy ones and in all reality, I cant handle my own meltdowns much less anyone elses.
So If I invite you over, you can be sure you are one of my true friends.
Wow for my first blog ever that was pretty negative I guess its my mood today.
I will make an effort to be happy tomorrow